Sunday, July 30, 2006


Yesterday was another one of my best days ever.

Met janet early in the morning 945 to go over to mcdonald's for breakfast. The weather was so so so good. The sun was out, wind blowing our hair and in the background, music playing(dancing in the moolight). everything felt so perfect! I felt like i was in love la! hahaa!. For the first time ever, i feel like i can actually get used to staying in melbourne for good. =))

okay. after breakie, we shopped a little around vic market. and headed off soon after for chemistry support class.

after class, janet, jack jack, sister loh the 3rd and i went over to safeway to get stuff.

The friends then came over at around 6pm. We played mahjong, ate pizza, played more mahjong, watched the maid ( all were too afraid to watch except sister loh the 3rd, wirawan and i. lolx. they entertained themselves by talking and trying hard not to hear what sounds the tv was producing). and finally! CAM WHORING! =)). it was like the highlight of the day! wahaha! super dupa funny. we laughed so hard i could hardly breathe. For a moment, the house went quiet. and it was because all of us were laughing so hard no sound was coming out (if you get what i meant).

The girls left first while yit ming and wirawan stayed on to play mahjong with sister loh the 3rd and i. lolx.

okay. so sum it all. yesterday was fantasic!

I laughed so hard, after they left i had a massive headache. showered and headed straight to bed.

haha. okay. i am happy. really happy. =))

Thursday, July 27, 2006


I have no idea if i should feel honoured or insulted.

Weirdly enough, but people, yes people. Whether i am close to them or not, seem to have the tendency to open up to me. Telling me all about their unhappiness.

In a way, i feel honoured that people trust me enough, although they might not be entirely close to be, to open up, and tell me all about their deepest feelings.

On the other hand, i am insulted. Why do people come to me only when they are all sad. If feels like i am a pain sucking machine. yes. literally. i take away their pain. and fa-la-la-la, happily they leave and only to return, yes, when they are feeling under the weather.

I've been blamned for not being there for people when they needed me. But, how could they? When all along I have been trying, if i was just a few mintues late to reply the messages, am i the friend you can't count on?

oh! maybe, i am such sad thing people feel they can connect with me because they are sad too.


Maybe, I am the brightest sunshine around. People need to get around me to feel and suck some of my happiness.

I reckon its the second. WAHAHAHA! (shut up ling)


I can't wait for saturday!

Janet and I will be going for mcdonald's breakfast before heading off to chemistry support lecture. haha! i wanted to have mc before i watch the show "super size me" on monday. everyone has been saying, after i've watched that show i will not touch mc for the next few months. we'll see.

and after that! its mahjong time at 5pm!!!! woohooo! they will be over to crush at my place. Everyone is against watching the maid.

HAHA! but you think i care?!

I am gonna pretend to put another show on, and when they realize its the maid. HAHAHA! it will be too late darlings! they all wont dare to go home! HAHAHA. moreover, aussie's sunset is at 515pm!


Tuesday, July 25, 2006

|| fat-so?

Teacher: So, have you been exercising? its winter. have to exercise to keep healthy ya.

Ling: haha! yeah! my sister and i have been going to the gym. (yeah, totally~)

Teacher: oh! that's good!

Ling: *big sweet smile*.

Teacher: So, do you think you put on weight? haha.

Ling: HAHA! CONFIRM YES! ( thinks again, "i got put on weight meh?")

Teacher: haha! yeah. i think so too!

Ling: -____-'''''''.

Five minutes later.

Ling: yeah! i blamn it on going to hong kong! haha! i ate non stop!

Teacher: when i went there i ate non stop too! now, i eat only when i am about to faint. haha!

Ling: *fade smile.* ( thinks, "huh? is she telling me its okay to starve yourself?? wa lao. siao! beauty is only skin deep la teacher!" )

Sunday, July 23, 2006

|| im good.

10 reason why i would make the perfect boyfriend:

1. I am willing to part with my cash.

2. I totally understand what is like going through stomach cramps.

3. I know better than to argue when pms sets in.

4. I would not do the wrong things and ask, "but what did i do wrong honey?".

5. I can be the sweetest thing ever. (yes i can!)

6. I can be hopelessly romantic. (uh huh)

7. I totally know what a girl likes and dislikes.

8. I will call when i say, "I'll call you". ( i would not just call you, i'll stalk you!)

9. I would never forget special days.

10. Clearly, i would know how to be a gentleman and how to treat a lady right. =))

10 reason why i am a lady (and totally digs being one) :

1. I love suprises and not having to plan them.

2. I love being able to cry anytime, anywhere without being called a pussy.

3. I love being able to shriek, whine and cry to get things done my way.

4. I love how the flattering of eyelashes gets things done my way. ( HEEHOO!)

5. I love having people lusting over me.

6. I love breaking hearts instead of nursing a broken heart.

7. I love being able to go out in the cold wearing the hottest clothes without bringing a jacket. Knowing a guy would lend me his.

8. I love being able to shake my booty openly when i am happy.

9. I love not having to get dirty fixing pipes.

10. I love being treated like a real lady and i know how to be one.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

|| yes i do!

Did i mention i totally dig italians?

i bet hamad would totally agree with me.

they are like funny and funny.

oh yes, and have i already mentioned its gonna be a FRIDAY tomorrow? if you have yet to notice.

btw, termits eat faster when they are listening to techno music (yes, i am serious darlings).

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

|| all smiles!

okay. so today morning did not exactly start out purrrrrfect. but it did ended off well! =))

had this big arugment with my friend over some misunderstanding which have yet to clear up. but yep, i tried my best to save our friendship, but if she doesn't wanna try. thats that, isn't it?

it started off when she needed to print her HOI essay, she smsed me, i read the sms late, and now its my fault that i did not help her. i meant, like when i saw the sms, i immediately replied and told her i would print it for her. she then became totally pissed and did not want my help.and she now said that i did not help her when she needed help. gosh...

she is a friend i really treasured but shes famous for being stubborn. i guess things would not work out so easily between us. oh wells. would love to elaborate, but am tired.

okay. so went out dinner with sisters, cousin andre and anthony at box hill. some sizuan restaurtant. AND OMG! i laughed so hard i almost died. haha!! like serious, it was super fun la! we laughed about like everything. everyone seemed numb by the hot food and became all corny. hohoho!

on the way back, received an sms from my friend asking to play majong!!! YESSSSS!!!! i suddenly burped out during lit. tutorial that i missed playing majong and my friend suggested we should get together! WHEEEEEE! i am so gonna win la! haixz! poor friends.

and yes! tomorrow is movie night with free food at sister loh the 2nd's lab.

and yes! i did not do chemistry homework. i bet mei fong is gonna kill me tomorrow.

love love love~. =))

Monday, July 17, 2006

|| guys! fear no more.

yes guys. you all can carry on wearing those tight jeans once again. ignore what your secondary school teacher told you. wearing tight jeans would not lower your sperm count. fear no more!=)) your best friend has a special feature to detect heat change and response to it. that is, when the environment is hotter outside, the sac moves down, vice versa, cold, it moves up! simple isn't it?

now children, you see the wonders of the television already? =))

okay. now that I've got your attention. let's talk about me.

but wait! i have become old, wrinkly and boring.

that's nothing new!

okay. wait till i feel pretty enough, i'll talk about myself.

isn't the world wonderful!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

What if you were told that the one you love most has only that much time to live?

Is it god's wayof punishing us for not tresuring what we have till its gone?!


It's god's way of forcing us to be stronger than we actual are?

The truth is, we all never learn, till the hard way slaps us in our face, isn't it?

when I'm gone. carry on. don't mourn. rejoice everytime you hear the sound of my voice.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


today is like one of the best days i had for a long time. =))

it must be because of my chemistry marks. it started off my day perfectly! =)) . i could not stop smiling.=)) mei fong was also smiling when she handed me back my paper. =)) thanks heaps for her guideance(correct spelling?)!

so yep. EAP class was super fun today too. so was drama class and HOI class. the teachers really have been super generous with marks to me. thank you!!! =))

headed home and after walking gin boy went out dinner at the waterfront with sisters, cousin andre and anthony. its was a great dinner and i really enjoyed the laughter and all! =)).

there is like so many things to blog about but i am super happy my day went so well, i cant think straight. =))))))))

okay. i am going to bed with a smile. hopefully i will wake up with a smile too! =))

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

|| when i finally learn.

my dearest navina could not even recognise me. how nice. she is in total shock when she found out who i was. haha. heaps of other people could not too! its so embrassing to be calling out for someone and they hesitate to wave back at you! like after 2324324324 seconds then they finally decided that they really know you. dang!

anyways. got back lit marks. i mean its good enough for me, but i really do believe i could do so much better, like i did for term one. i do admit its greedy of me since i hardly studied for it. so yep. term 3 would be totally different. its time lady luck stays with me! =))

just came back from watching pirates of the carribean(correct spelling?). anyways. its pretty nice, funny and all. =))

haha. i am so random with my thoughts, its no wonder my lit teacher said i should start organising my thoughts.haha. so yeah, chemistry marks would be out tomorrow, i cant believe i forgot and ate eggs just now la!!!! damn it!!! i really am praying so so sosooooo hard i would do just okay.

i went for lecture on tuesday all alone. my friends did not wanna go for lecture and i being the good student(of course!) decided that term 3 would be a new start for me. so yep. i went alone. i've slowly mastered the art of keeping my insecurity aside and just totally shut off what people has to say about me. like who really cares right?! no one gets to bring me down.

its time i let you go. thanks for being my strength.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

|| remember me?!

It's bad enough that your friends do not recognise you. what more your own sister right?! haha. it must be the new eyebrows and hair i tell you. sister loh the 2nd could exactly recognise me at the airport and after hesitating for like 5 seconds she decided to call out for me. nice. haha. two other friends of mine was also hesitating to say hi back when i waved to them. weirdly enough, people were like, "omg! you look so different" but seriously, how different can i get right! oh wells. people change!

alright, so some of the results for term two are out. i think i did pathetically for english, okay for maths(not good but compared to last term i did improve by 10 marks! so who cares about those ppl who got 90. whahaa!) and i am proud to say...*rolling drumsssss* i did well for biology! like really, i am very happy with myself. at least my efforts did pay off! =)) haha. i am really dreading my chemistry results. but i know i did my best already, so yep. fingers crossed! =))

was talking to jessica about trinity people. and bth of us agreed, people here are like totally cannot make it typa people. its weird that they can totally not know you once you leave the classroom. and all the bullocks about being helpful, gosh, i think spots is more willing to give me her bone compare to the people here. alright, i know that there are heaps of people who are all nice and stuff, but majority are not. no wonder sisters loh always tell me, "welcome to the real world". ha! i think i am so totally in love with the real world now.

finally its nice to know that every month (at least) there is something to look forward to! in august, would be going skiing, sept going for a dinner cruise and the other months? i would just have to wait and see.

okay. enough of my negativity. lets hope tomorrow's literture marks would keep me happy. may god be with me and only me. thank you.

Sunday, July 09, 2006



p.s: this prolly is the first time since we've crossed paths 5 years ago that i am not there to celebrate your special day with you physically. BUT, you know i am mentally there with you always. whatever your future holds, you are ensured that i will always be there to supposrt and cheer you on. thanks for being who you are and accepting me for who i am. LOVES YOU! =))


YEHOO! i am back in aussie land! =)) left yesterday and arrived today morning. so tired! anyways. my favourite people did not make it in time to send me off yesterday, but its alright. at least i left without crying(which is a good thing!). haha. they thought i was bording at 855pm when actual my flight was at 855pm. so yep. its okay love! i will be back in 20 weekends time! =)).

The flight was pretty bad actual. when i saw who was sitting beside me i was like. "god, you must be kidding me". it was a group of noisy trinity people who could not stop taking pictures of themselves and making sure the whole plane is kept awake by the shrieks. thanks heaps people for making me fall sick. like seriously, i'll start to get all flu stuff in me when i dont get enough sleep.and the worst thing is having blocked nose and the killer ear pressure sets in. plus! today morning was like freezing. once i touched down, we went over to gerhard and rosie's place for breakfast. got home, all tired i went back to sleep till like 3pm. argg.

oh yeah. people should learn to use the toilet as quickly as me. seriously, do they not know that the plane is that big and the toilets are that few?! come on guys, be considerate! pee fast!

okay. i so tired i think i might just take things slowly today. in a weird way, i am actually looking forward to go back to school tomorrow! how weird aye! but yeah! =)). pray for my results people! =)) love love love.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

|| going back.

I CANT BELIEVE I AM GOING BACK TO THAT TORTURE CHAMBER TML! okay. anyways, today, spent heaps of time with the friends =)). thanks guys for the times! went to get contact lens, then back to qss to collect my cert. and the qss receptionist was like super nice to me la! first time ever! okay. then went over to town shopping on my own before meeting up with hw. dre joined us shortly after and had lunch with them at swensens.

yi huey then joined us after school. it was really sweet of her to come over although she had a long day. =)) thanks love! =)). we accompanied her to long john's and then ian came. lolx! yes. weird. all coming one after another. we then went to accompany ian for food and after heading over to taka yi huey left first.

Coffee bean was our next stop and we sat there waiting for kelly. haha. she came, we talked, laughed, joked, fight and headed off as taka was closing. haha. the guys left first while kelly and i waited for gty and nessa. haha. kelly and i became photo whores at the mrt station. haha! it was heaps of fun la. after nessa and kelly came, we took the picture from the booth. haha. and yes. finally home!!!! =))

anyways, thanks heaps guys. like really. for everything you guys have done. the times we spent together will live in memories in my blood. flowing through me 24/7. you guys would never be replaced. =)). it will just be another 20 more weekends before we will spent crazy times together. you all have been my friend, my companion, my soul, my lover and a serious part of my life nothing would ever be able to replace. the weightage you guys play in my life is so super huge. =)) LOVE YOU ALL!

Friday, July 07, 2006


more food please!
KAWAII NEH!(okay.shut up, lay.)
erm. nice scene?!
view from, erm, hotel lift.
mummy love and me!
temple street-ing.

yes darlings! i am back. yes me! back from my "shopping spree" in hong kong. wahhaa! yes. i have to admit i am a failed shopper this time round! BUT EVERYTHING IS SO EXPENSIVE IN HK NOW LA! ( blamn it on the mainlanders, the rice ones went onboard hk and spent so much money hk-ers had to raise the price. serious la!). so yep. things that are available in spore is like 1/2 the price in hk. so we hardly got much. futhermore, mummy and sister loh(s) seem to prefer branded stuff compared to walking through the small shops. so me, the 17 year old-er would def. not be able to buy stuff then. like seriously, even if i carried a real LV people would think its fake. so why bother right? lolx.

however, the eating part was beauitful. i think i gained like 2321321 kg. not much la. we were like massively eating la. seond night dinner was like funny. we walked up and down the street unable to decide which resaturant we wanna eat in. lolx! cause all seemed really dirty and i did not agree eating there. waahhaa. i dont like dirt! but yes, we did managed to get dinner in the end.

oh ya! it was so freaking weird. haha! wherever we went, it seemed as though we are wearing t-shirts that says, "FOREIGNERS ALERT". everyone kept staring at as like we were aliens. haha. it was hilarious la.

we were also wondering if we would bump into any actors/actresses etc. i reckon we would!( i wanted to meet jackie chan actually). but guess who we saw! CEICELA CHEUNG(zhang bo zi)- correct spelling anot ah?! whaha. duno. she was like right infront of us la. so weird. but she is like freaking pretty pretty with flawless skin you just wanna scratch.

okay. i cant exactly remember what else there was i wanted to say. all i can think of now is i am going back to aussie land in less than 48 hours. i am a sad and offical failed shopper.


Thursday, July 06, 2006

|| from hong kong.

am blogging from hong kong! haha. will be back tonight people! anyways. everything here is so expensive i am sad! will blog more when i am back!

Monday, July 03, 2006

|| eat, sleep, shop = hong kong!

yes people. dont get too jealous. i am off to hong kong for my shopping spree! wahhaa! so weird. will be meeting sister loh the 4th in hk for dinner. sounds so rich like right! haha! she has a test in the morning, so she will fly over to join us later in the afternoon while mum, sister loh the 3rd and i are off to hk at like 4am in the morning. which leaves me like what? 3 hours to sleep. how nice. poor mummy. she back from india on sat morning 6 plus, flew off to pen. and flew back just now around 11 plus. and now, in another 3 more hours she is flying off to hk again. haha. i love my super mummy totally! =)). haha. when i told mum i dont wanna go back to aust she was like , " why? you've got no choice. hurry up finish your studies lor. mummy will try and come over to visit you". =)). have i mentioned how much i love my family?! i am so gonna miss them when i go back to aust. including spotty loh! i bathed her today, after so long! haha! she was totally not happy at all. could tell by her expression. haha! =))

anyways. hopefully this hk trip would take my mind off going back aust. it really stinks my brain just the mere thought of it. dang. but 5 months will pass fast right?! i mean, it should, and must fly pass. okay. while i am off to hk, people, please pray for my results. =))

yes, dre, hw, gty, kel, nessa and rui. i will shop on your behalves. =))

Sunday, July 02, 2006

|| reality loves mocking at me.

It suddenly sinks in that I am going back to melbourne again. It's weird cause i haven had this "dreading" feeling since i went into 305 in secondary three. Everyone has been telling me about how tough term 3 would be and in a way i have been mentally preparing for it. but i guess i aint as strong as i hoped to be. everything seems to be going so wrong. i thought this holiday would be truely a time i would be spending quality with my loved ones. but everyone seems to be so caught up with their new life. even dad and mum is hardly ever around. i haven had some cooked food made by mum for eons (and why is the silly sad song playing? its as if its in sync with my sad mood!) . I know am prolly one of the luckiest person living on this earth. all always tell me i have everything i ever wanted, i should not asked for me. true enough, i always got what i wanted. but it never is enough. Coming back this time really makes me realize how much we've all grown, how fast i am pushed and let off to the real world. no more times when i could just ring a friend up and chat/hang out the whole day, everyone has finally found their path and are walking them on their own. I've also messed up heaps of friendships i sincerly treasured. It's saddening to know people do not appreciate you as much as you appreciate them. i guess what they say is true, promises are made to be broken. okay. enough emo-ing.

BACK ON YESTERDAY'S OUTING WITH SISTER LOH THE 4TH. we drove to town, payed for 1 hour's parking but stayed in town for i think nearly 4 hours. haha. and finally!! yes finally! i managed to get stuff! and its like nice stuff! =)). so yeah. it was a short trip to town but it was nice to shop with 4th sis again after so long. i still embrace the fun times we had when i was still in spore whereby we went shopping almost every other day. and now?! in aust, i only remember sister loh the 3rd and i going shopping when exams are nearing(retail therapy) that is. haha. so yep. =))

also spoke to melissa yesterday, she wanna organise a netball outing! yeah! i miss the times how we really bonded and cheered each other on as a team. =)) sweet beautiful memories! =)) so yep. it is supposed to be on the friday before i leave AGAIN. hopefully the outing comes through. =))

okay. flight tomorrow to hong kong is like 6 am in the morning. which means we would have to leave the house at 4am! like so super weird! haha. but this is a break i reckon i truely deserve. (agree with me or die people!).

p.s: To my gorgeous friends, we'll just let nature take its course and as long as i know i have done my part in ensuring our friendships last, i know we'll be just fine.=))

Saturday, July 01, 2006

|| call me, stalk me.

THESE ARE SOME OF THE PRETTY PICTURES OF YESTERDAY. okay. yes. here i am again. i am so freaking bored! i cant be left unentertained. its like a saturday afternoon. Slept at like 330am yesterday and was SUPPOSED to meet dad and mum at the airport for breakfast while they wait to fly off to penang after just touching down from india. but i have no idea why sister loh did not call me up. okay. maybe she did but i did not hear anything. wahhaa! so yep. another sister loh called me up at 10am telling me the cousin chua will be coming over to pick me up for breakfast (eat kway chap, correct spelling?) haha. i had such strong craving for them la! and so yeah, i ate like a pig(as usual) till i am feeling so sick now. like super sick. i think i can throw up all the pig intestines and such. I AM SO FREAKING BORED I THINK I AM GONNA FAINT. let's hope someone dates me out. FAST! joshua is suppose to find whos free to hang out today but our dearest has only got debao's number while my hp is with sister loh. how exciting. DATE ME PEOPLE!

|| fear of chocolates.

I WILL NOT EAT ANYMORE CHOCOLATE FOR THE NEXT 24 HOURS. yi huey, victoria and i went for fullerton's chocolate buffet and i almost died of sweetness! haha! i seriously did not know i am capable of eating so much chocolate. though the buffet was not fantasic at all, it fact, it was pretty pathetic. a buffet with only like 2 tables or should i say 1 table of chocolate. and it was not as if the chocolate is anything great. like seriously, i think we had to pay so much just because its fullerton. pure crap. okay. so yeah. after that we went over to suntec to meet dre, ian and hw. yi huey went off half way while we were walking towards suntec that is. and after meeting up with the dudes, we sent vic to the taxi stand and all. haha. walked through suntec and we went off to starbucks for a short while. haha! but it was pretty fun though, talked about childhood stuff etc. I've always loved just sitting down in cafes chatting with friends. okay, so i love to talk. yeah. but i reckon its one of my favourite thing to do. haha! and yes dre, thanks for getting me raspberry tea so i could sleep. wahaha! yeah, and so, home we are again.

oh yes! i realised singaporeans have the weird habit of STARING. i have no idea why but yes, its freaking weird and very impolite people. sis and i were in town the whole afternoon and we were lik, wth is wrong with people man. oh oh oh! and yes. isn't "GREAT SINGAPORE SALES" the time whereby everything is on sales?! THEN WHY IS EVERYTHING SO EXPENSIVE?! It seriously does not make any sense. its pure crap la. its ridiculous that far east is selling bags for like 60 bucks. its suppose to be sales time, hello?!?!? sales means things get cheaper not more expensive. damn. i still thought i would be back home shopping my life out. i think without the sales i would have been able to get more stuff.

oh shoots. germany won. that means i would have to lick dre's shoes. hopefully his shoes are coated with chocolate.