Wednesday, July 12, 2006

|| when i finally learn.

my dearest navina could not even recognise me. how nice. she is in total shock when she found out who i was. haha. heaps of other people could not too! its so embrassing to be calling out for someone and they hesitate to wave back at you! like after 2324324324 seconds then they finally decided that they really know you. dang!

anyways. got back lit marks. i mean its good enough for me, but i really do believe i could do so much better, like i did for term one. i do admit its greedy of me since i hardly studied for it. so yep. term 3 would be totally different. its time lady luck stays with me! =))

just came back from watching pirates of the carribean(correct spelling?). anyways. its pretty nice, funny and all. =))

haha. i am so random with my thoughts, its no wonder my lit teacher said i should start organising my thoughts.haha. so yeah, chemistry marks would be out tomorrow, i cant believe i forgot and ate eggs just now la!!!! damn it!!! i really am praying so so sosooooo hard i would do just okay.

i went for lecture on tuesday all alone. my friends did not wanna go for lecture and i being the good student(of course!) decided that term 3 would be a new start for me. so yep. i went alone. i've slowly mastered the art of keeping my insecurity aside and just totally shut off what people has to say about me. like who really cares right?! no one gets to bring me down.

its time i let you go. thanks for being my strength.


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