Saturday, July 01, 2006

|| fear of chocolates.

I WILL NOT EAT ANYMORE CHOCOLATE FOR THE NEXT 24 HOURS. yi huey, victoria and i went for fullerton's chocolate buffet and i almost died of sweetness! haha! i seriously did not know i am capable of eating so much chocolate. though the buffet was not fantasic at all, it fact, it was pretty pathetic. a buffet with only like 2 tables or should i say 1 table of chocolate. and it was not as if the chocolate is anything great. like seriously, i think we had to pay so much just because its fullerton. pure crap. okay. so yeah. after that we went over to suntec to meet dre, ian and hw. yi huey went off half way while we were walking towards suntec that is. and after meeting up with the dudes, we sent vic to the taxi stand and all. haha. walked through suntec and we went off to starbucks for a short while. haha! but it was pretty fun though, talked about childhood stuff etc. I've always loved just sitting down in cafes chatting with friends. okay, so i love to talk. yeah. but i reckon its one of my favourite thing to do. haha! and yes dre, thanks for getting me raspberry tea so i could sleep. wahaha! yeah, and so, home we are again.

oh yes! i realised singaporeans have the weird habit of STARING. i have no idea why but yes, its freaking weird and very impolite people. sis and i were in town the whole afternoon and we were lik, wth is wrong with people man. oh oh oh! and yes. isn't "GREAT SINGAPORE SALES" the time whereby everything is on sales?! THEN WHY IS EVERYTHING SO EXPENSIVE?! It seriously does not make any sense. its pure crap la. its ridiculous that far east is selling bags for like 60 bucks. its suppose to be sales time, hello?!?!? sales means things get cheaper not more expensive. damn. i still thought i would be back home shopping my life out. i think without the sales i would have been able to get more stuff.

oh shoots. germany won. that means i would have to lick dre's shoes. hopefully his shoes are coated with chocolate.


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