Thursday, June 29, 2006

|| When i am gone, carry on, don't mourn.

I can't believe that i am left with just like less than a week left left in singapore. its just a trip too short! i have yet to get into the feel of going out everyday without getting all drained and stuff. oh wells, its JUST another five months before i am back again aye? so yep. i bet hong kong is gonna be heaps of fun for me. i mean like this is the first trip i make overseas to go purely for shopping purposes. if i fail to get anything, i swear i will just sit in hk and not come back.

okay. its like 1132am and i am missing suntaning/swimming with sisters and all. too lazy, furthermore, nessa would be coming over anyways! =)) wahaha! we are gonna cook! or make sushi and stuff, which would be super fun i reckon! =)) WHY MUST EVERYONE HAVE SCHOOL WHILE I HAVE HOLIDAY!. its bad man. wahahah.

oh yeah. random but ya. i guess people fear me more when i am angry. don't they see the point? i hardly get angry with people for long. and its really pissing when you hear what there is people have to say and their actions. My family have been talking about these heaps. We all reckon its prolly due to our family upbringing, parents' exposing us at young age to different people and the real world we see. so yeah. it always drives us mad to see how people actual bahave. you get so exasperated. i mean, its like words cant express your disgist and stuff. gosh. we would just have to let people live their lifes don't we?



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