Wednesday, July 19, 2006

|| all smiles!

okay. so today morning did not exactly start out purrrrrfect. but it did ended off well! =))

had this big arugment with my friend over some misunderstanding which have yet to clear up. but yep, i tried my best to save our friendship, but if she doesn't wanna try. thats that, isn't it?

it started off when she needed to print her HOI essay, she smsed me, i read the sms late, and now its my fault that i did not help her. i meant, like when i saw the sms, i immediately replied and told her i would print it for her. she then became totally pissed and did not want my help.and she now said that i did not help her when she needed help. gosh...

she is a friend i really treasured but shes famous for being stubborn. i guess things would not work out so easily between us. oh wells. would love to elaborate, but am tired.

okay. so went out dinner with sisters, cousin andre and anthony at box hill. some sizuan restaurtant. AND OMG! i laughed so hard i almost died. haha!! like serious, it was super fun la! we laughed about like everything. everyone seemed numb by the hot food and became all corny. hohoho!

on the way back, received an sms from my friend asking to play majong!!! YESSSSS!!!! i suddenly burped out during lit. tutorial that i missed playing majong and my friend suggested we should get together! WHEEEEEE! i am so gonna win la! haixz! poor friends.

and yes! tomorrow is movie night with free food at sister loh the 2nd's lab.

and yes! i did not do chemistry homework. i bet mei fong is gonna kill me tomorrow.

love love love~. =))


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