Thursday, November 27, 2008

My first online shopping...!
(super sua-ku, i know).
Anyways! was super excited!
Behold the power of online shopping!!!

XOXO polo ralph!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Baby, I'll take you out and ride you well.......

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Jason Mraz is awesome!
I want to marry him...he can sing me to sleep every night...

Sigh, baby, you shouldn't just be left in my closet...

Monday, November 03, 2008

I think Halloween is sucha cute tradition, though I am not one who celebrates. ITs nice to see the traditional side of things...

Pictures taken in Walnut Creek on Halloween day (afternoon). Lots of kids dressed up for this competition that was taking place near some fountain I think. =)

Pumpkins for sale at Andronicos! Taken like 3 days before halloween, thus, explaining the pumkin few-ness (if such aword exits)..

Haha, amist the rain on Friday, April, Cony and I went to buzz in the last minute Halloween shopping frenzy! The shops were practically left with bits and pieces with a long waiting q to get in...

Oh! and pictures from the Berkeley Rose Garden. Weekend hike with Mummy dearest. Pretty awesome place to just chill on a lovely Sunday morning =)

And here, the wayyyy over-due pictures from Romeo & Juliet the Ballet with April! R & J were nekkid! omg! shocker! hahaa.

It was a happy ending! J did not die =(. So spolier!
okay, gotta get ready for Jason Mraz's concert! !!!!!!!!
Lets hope it doesn rain.