|| oh lovely!

Anyways, today, was the first trip out in search for my trinity ball dress. Result? TOTAL FAILURE! I mean, to start off with, I did not try on a single dress. yes. not even one. haha. why you may ask? I saw two dresses which at least caught my eye. The first one I saw, I got really excited cause it is almost exactly like what I have in mind to wear to the ball. HOWEVER! here's the deal. IT COST A STINGING $1890. Yes, you heard it right. And because of that gorgeous price. I did not try it on, obviously. The second dress I saw that I kinda like too was not anywhere near that price but still, it is over my budget. IT WAS A SWEET $575. Yeah, it sucks not to be super rich right?
Before i set out on my quest to get my favourite dress I consulted the sisters on how much should i spend. Both said I should expect to be paying within the price range of $200 to $300. I almost burst out laughing. I was not expecting to spend more than $150 on the dress. But the sisters pointed out that unless I want to look like I am wearing just some dress from those far east shops, I have to be willing to spend that much.
HOHOHO! That totally reminded me of what Jacquline said about prom being a competition. I mean, of course everyone would wanna look nice right? (don't lie those of you who said no!) But I don't wanna look like I am over doing the whole thing? I don't wanna go for this ball just to be seen. I want to go there to have fun. Oh wells.
Anyhow, the other thing that is bugging me is whether I should snap my hair off (like the picture above) or should I just leave it as it is until after the ball. BUT! To think of it. Everyone(okay fine, most girls) have long hair and it will look so common to have long hair and wear a dress to the ball. I don't want to just look like one of the girls. I wanna look like someone people should take me seriously for and not just any girl (if you get what I am saying).
I don't know why I feel insulted although some would say I should feel honoured, when just some random person ask you to the ball. I feel disgusted. I feel insulted. Do I really give people the perception that I don't have my own opinion? Surprise Suprise. I actual do and I don't go out with just anyone. So get over your shallow thoughts you have been habouring on me.
Till then, wish me luck. Hopefully I don't end up wearing t-shirt and jeans for the ball.
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