|| Thou art tei.

so yep, the long awaited for history of ideas tutorial trip to the art gallery! and yes, i am totally blown away. I mean, the gallery is so magnificant(at least to me). It is like those you see in the movies. Huge rooms. high ceiling, great lightings, a couple of gorgeous art work and a leather sofa in the middle. yes. i really can imagine myself working there(if i get into uni melb's arts). I had heaps of fun there anyhow. Laughing with all, espcially jessica. =)). She is such a darl.
okay. today morning started with chemistry presentation(yes! finally its over)!the teachers just shot random questions at us at the end of the presentation and being me(the lousy one in chem) could not answer the question the first time. Mei Fong (my tutor) asked if one of the equation was a redox one. and immediately, the rest of the class started talking (of cause, they all thought it was a easy question and all were like, "wa lao! redox!") and of cause i had to answer wrongly. thank god mei fong hinted me. so i got it right in the end. lolx. =))
following was EAP essay in class exam. yep. all done with that. could not be any happier.
NEXT! DRAMA! =)). haha. today was like superb fun! Jack gave each couple a theme and each of the couple had to pick a card that has 3 words. Sarah and i got the theme mother and child. Sarah's 3 words were, college, fight, two weeks. Mine were, car crash, choloesterol and 170cm. We got the words only like 1 min before we had to act. so yep. this was how it went:
Me: mummy mummy!
Sarah: girl ah! you are going to college in two weeks time, remember not to fight with people okay!
Me: MUMMY! LOOK! got car crash!!!!
WA! that guy so fat! surely got cholesterol one! somemore so short! only 170cm!
haha! the other groups were super funny la. espcially meishan's and bevely doing ET.
so yeah. there is another of my regular day in school. =))
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