|| WHY?!
Why do i have to give an excuse that i am not feeling well so i don't have to go out?
Why can't i just say, " i don't wanna go out with you".
Why do people think that I am just like any other trinity girl?
Why do people think I will agree to whatever they say?
Why do that person think I will agree to go to the ball with just someone who talked to me less than five sentences?
Why do I have to always be happy?
Why can't I feel sad and whine like all other girls?
Why can't I eat every single thing I want?
Why can't I ever stop feeling hungry?
Why do I have to keep talking?
What makes you think I wanna know about what is going on in your life?
Why do I have to study so hard?
Why is everyone so shallow?
Why must everyone have a share in my life?
Why must I answer all questions?
Why can't I have my privacy?
Why can't I have my own opinion and everyone just shut their trap?
okay. enough of hate for the month.
Let's now talk about love.=))
Now that exams are over and the holidays are here, I am one happy person.
Went over to optometry building today to help sister loh the 3rd with her experiment. Jack jack and janet were also there being one of the subject. While waiting, I first sat with jack jack waiting for janet to do her test. We were talking about the ball and all. We actually are planning to hire a limo to take us there. Hopefully, it takes 16 people. haha.
After everyone finished, we headed to lygon for lunch. Nice lunch. Under the sun, having our fish and chips and sashimi. It was good. Really nice and had good laughs.
We finished up and went shopping around. We went around trying dresses. haha! it was fun though, and jack jack, that dress looked so freaking good on ya! SHA BOYA! really! =))
Anyhow, headed back, walked the dog, went for dinner, went for chocolate supper. Feeling so sinful. Fear not! I will make sure i will get in shape this holiday and look hot in my ball dress, ha!
Till then, I'll keep dreaming.

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