|| happy chinese new year!

happy chinese new year! GAWD! don't we all look forward to cny? Its like the annual pay day! woots!
anyways, this year prolly is the first year i did not go specific shopping for cny. it is a good thing i hope.
woke up pretty late on the first day and by the time we girls got ready it was around 1 plus 2. so yep, headed over to cousin catherine's place cause grandmum was there. it was really nice seeing all the relatives once again. =)) everyone still looks more or less the same. its funny cause some relatives commented that if they saw me on the streets they would not have recognised me. how nice. =_=.
hey! its also like the first chinese new year that rained aye?
It is actually really exhausting having one party after another at home. all the preparation and cleanning up really drained me.
I can't believe i've been back for almost two months and now its time for me to go back to melbourne again.
It bugs me like a lot. Before i came back from melb in early jan, i was really happy with my life and the way it is in melb, i thought i could live there forever! Now that i am back, i am dreading to go back to some extent. I am so sure in one months time after i am back into my aussie routine, i'll be blogging about how much i lurba melb.
I am so looking forward to meeting up with the usuals on thus! =D
i told you im the luckiest person on earth!
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