Tuesday, January 30, 2007

|| vivo!

Woot! Went to vivo city yesterday with jac jac and janet. =D had fun shopping! haha! Especially at topshop. Tried on like 34324 sets of clothes and i was the only sucessful shopper of that day. lolx. Reached home not long before dad and all came to pick me up for dinner at changi. This place near the sea. Was pretty nice. Quiet and all. It was so not singapore-ish that place. Feels more like Bali or something, although i have yet to visit that place.

Woke up at 8am to go cycling with sister loh the 4th. Yes i know, finally i am moving huh? Came back and cleaned the house. Gosh, i wonder whats taking the maid so darn long to come over. Its so not funny having to clean the house everday. Suddenly, my house feels like a mansion. Seriously.

The week has planned for itself already. Yet another busy week.

is life good or what?



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