|| you light up my life.

Pictures. Out with the friend friends to holland, spizza for dinner the night before. Food was nothing great tho. Hanged out chit chat. Talked heaps about QSS. Took pictures before leaving. Thursday night, friend friends all have school the next day, sadders.
Been sleeping like 12am plus almost everyday and having to wake up around 8am plus to go out with daddy and mummy. Moving around from bank to bank can really get tiring. But theres the only experience i can get now and i am thankful for it. Its time i start growing up.
Oh yeah. I changed my university course. A sudden and swift decision. I actually planned to take Environmental studies as a subject when i am doing arts. Daddy approved of it because he strongly recommend that i do something related to water technology, because its something entirely necessary and will always be in demand. However, the faculty of land and food resource offered bachelor of natural resource management, which involves to a great extent water technology.. so yep. Daddy saw the poster outside ngee ann poly, they are offering Environmental studies and water technology. He wanted me to join ngee ann. I almost died of heart attack. Mummy did not approve. THANK GAWD! I just did not wanna watse my time doing poly after ive been through foundation studies and can immediately enter uni. so yep. Went to see aunt amy ( and bumped into janet! =D ). The first thing she said was, "It's a rough and tough course, not many girls do it". Well, the not many girls will be me. =) I'll be the average girl who saved the world =)) LOLX! shut up lay.
okay. the two kids just left. yes, I "babysitted". I swear i almost killed them. On the spot i told mum i will not have kids. And i realized i was very strict with them on manners, so much so, i scare myself! haha! i did not give them tissue if the dont say please nor when they dont say thank you. I also refuse to take stuff to them, i insist that they walk over to get it from me. LOLX! im sick, am i not! lolx.
long post huh?
p.s: i miss you gin. like,...a lot.
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