|| I love me!

Picasso Art Exhibition was okay i guess. It was a huge exbition and i enjoyed it as much as i did for da vinci exhibition.
Anyways, second week of school. Am left with just another 4 more weeks till the final exams. Its amazing how eight months just zoomed past! Just when i thought i got used to life in melbourne, home sickness stucked with me for 5 minutes this morning. haha. It is weird cause literally, more than half of my family is here with me. But i still miss the other half of the family can! Including you, spotty loh! Also, I really miss the friends back home espcially vanessa ng shi han! I am sorry i reckon I will not be able to make it back to singapore for xmas but if I do, I will make sure the hobits and kelly will know! =))
Anyways, today i finally got back all the exam and essays results. And my, I have to say, I really am proud of myself! Although I know some may think my marks are just average. I think i did good, so live with that suckers! =)) (except for history that is).
okay. Till then.
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