|| I love dogs!

The few pictures amongst the zillions we took during Babara's birthday party. Isn't curly and lucky so super cute?! They are the dogs that is. Weirdly enough, I am starting to enjoy ang mohs' party. Maybe like what sister loh the 2nd told mummy, I am going to stay in melbourne. haha. Anyways, tomorrow is sister loh the 3rd's 21st birthday!!!! =)) Am going to mornington penisular for a spa treat. All us five. Ahhhh~ I can so smell the lavender smell already. More pretty pictures to the delight of all.
Yours truly!
How do you know you are in love?!
-When that special person is able to make your heart beat faster and slower and the same time. (Although i have no idea how can that ever feel like, but, heck!)
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