Friday, July 20, 2007

I passed my driving!!! =D
keep off the roads people!
I must say, it went really well.
Managed to make one mistake only with the turning, going too slow =x.

Felt really nice to receive calls from daddy and sister loh the 4th and the messages from the other family members and ffs!

After the test, went over to meet sister loh the 2nd for a lunch treat at Lana Thai. Food was pretty okay but i reckon Ying Thai is slightly better.

Followed by popping over to Vic market to grab some stuff and now, im back home!

I've been waiting for this day for quite awhile. I always wished it would come by faster. Cause, I promised mr ginger loh i will drive him to St Kilda beach once i get my licence. It hurts to know the promise will never be fulfilled.

i love you baby boy.



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