Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Was supposed to meet the rest for dinner tonight to celebrate yit ming's belated birthday. But was cancelled last minute cause the birthday boy had something cropped up.
Anyways, jac and i met first in the afternoon to shop for yit's bday. haha. so not easy man! guys=trouble! =x. we walked around not knowing what to get for him. Wanted to get him this really cool vodka bottle then decided to get him cufflinks (correct spelling) but it was wayyy out of budget so ended up getting him a CK t-shirt that jac and i really like. =)
We then went to the kids department. I SO WANNA HAVE A KID THEN! lolx. all the clothes are uber adoarable can! =)) if only the cost as much as barbie doll's clothes.
Had dinner at Singapore Chom Chom. LOLX! we miss char kway teoy (how to spell?). Then walked over to grab some groceries before heding home in the freezing cold weather. (jac is crazy! she can walk around without a jacket on and not find it unbearbly cold! ) hehe.


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