Friday, March 02, 2007

|| first day.

It is only the first week of school and already i am way exhausted.

Oh yes, the cuties in melbourne university literally floods my every class. =D

Okay, so school isn't as bad as i expected. There is a whole truck load of locals in my course and they are not very friendly. School work load is already pilling up. oh boy...

Do you guys actually realize its the 3rd month of the year? How freaky is that! I am so much closer to earning my first millon! =D

Anyways, i was reading my friendster testimonials just then and i realized how many people walked out of my life and how many people just walked in. Its freaky to know that the person you are closest to today might be the person you least talk to months or years down the road. Not that I am complaining. I know nothing ever stays the same. For starters, i know i don't.

I do believe that i have so much more to offer now than i ever did. I have my goals now, and im gonna fulfill them.



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