Friday, November 24, 2006

|| shopadowa!

Okay, so literature was good, history of ideas was good, mathematics was bollocks and e.a.p was okay. Let's pray that tomorrow's chemistry paper will be okay FOR ME. Despite the fact that I have NOT studied for it yet. So dead, yes.

The mere thought of getting into arts seems...

Anyways, uni melb's arts in like the top 7th in the world. Preceisely one of the reason I wanna get in. =)) To think about it, 85 average required score for an arts course is really high huh!

Oh oh! Jessica is so sweet! haha. =)) She offered to lend me her HOI textbook which I refused to buy because it is 100 over bucks. And I, a person who would willingly spend 100 bucks on anything except TEXTBOOKS did not agree on buying it. haha. so yep. she lent me hers and i just got back from returning the book to her. AND GUESS WHAT! haha. she made a Korean dish for me! aww! so sweet right! =)). whaha.

That aside. Tomorrow is like the paper before my break. I really do need this one week to study biology which i absolute have to get full marks or somewhere around there if not i can pack my stuff and go back to singapore and apply for a poly course.

*touch wood*

Will be going out wit my darling navina and judith tomrrow after paper i think. Sunday, out with sister for shopping. Monday out dinner with the gang. Tuesday sister loh the 2nd's award presentation.

Have I mentioned that i think sister loh the 2nd enjoys collecting schlarships?! lolx. congrats to her for getting the schlarship to Sweden(i think) next june. Not only that, she will have her name up on the vet science building wall! so cool right! I also want. wahhaha. totally.

okay. I am suppose to be studying chemistry.

sending love.


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